Thursday, May 5, 2011


I don't have TV.
No Cable, No Satellite, No DirectTV, Nothing.

So the extent of my exposure to commercials and ads are through the internet and while listening to the radio as I zoom around town doing the actual speed limit because it pisses people off.

All too often I find myself shaking my head and talking back to the people on the radio even though I know it to be a pointless exercise because they never seem to listen to what I have to say.

The main ones that get me going are the ones that swear up and down they will help fix your credit, pay off your bills and consolidate your loans.

The one I heard on the way home from work tonight that got me going was one where people were claiming that they had been ripped off by home forclosure scammers.

"I paid the fee and never heard from them again, I lost my home."
"I lost thousands of dollars and my home"
"They said they would help, I paid their fee and still lost everything."

My question concerning this is ... If you had the money to pay their fee's, why weren't you paying your bills to begin with?

Another one that gets me going is the whole turn off your lights, kids care about wasting energy thing.

The ad will start with a couple kids talking and one forgetting to turn off a light and the other one giving them crap about it. It always ends with, if your kids care about wasting energy, shouldn't you?

Now I haven't met every child out there but I have 4 step kids ranging in age from 9 to 15. Not a one of them has ever met a light switch they knew how to turn off.

No matter how much I bitch about it.

I can wake up in the middle of the afternoon on a sunny day and sure as sin, they will have half the lights in the house on. If I had to make a wager about it, I would bet that kids these days are more worried about their facebook posts, cell phones, and video games then they are about turning off a light or whether their friend turns off the lights in their house.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Press Release Spoof

The previous post I made was a spoof of a press release I wrote at work in about 10 minutes. My intentions were to use it in our bi-weekly newsletter as a random joke, but at the urging of my office mate I sent a copy of it to Privateer Press prior to actually putting it in the newsletter. It was a good thing I did because I received a prompt response.

I'm not entirely sure how anyone could possibly be stupid enough to believe that anything in the article could even remotely be true (except for the part about PETA), but rather than risk it I bowed before the pressure (and the thought of an Army of Lawyers showing up at work) and we did not put the article in the newsletter. Instead I posted it here as Fan Fiction ... YAY freedom of speech!

For amusements sake, here is the response I got from P.P.

Hello Patrick,

At this time we would prefer that you do not put out any false news articles that use the Privateer Press trademark or trademark protected brands. Creating news articles such as this can confuse the marketplace as to the origin of their reporting and while your article is clearly for the purpose of generating some humor, some people cannot see the forest for the trees. We don’t want to have to answer for the humor you generate. We appreciate your support of our products but at this time cannot give you permission to proceed with this idea. If you have any questions let me know.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Privateer Press to the Rescue!!!

Living and working in southern TN means that the recent flooding in Nashville and northern TN has hit somewhat close to home. I was told over the weekend that the "newish" mall in Nashville, Opry Mills is underwater and that the aquarium there flooded. While the salt-water fish died because rain and rain water doesn’t actually count as salt water, the fresh-water fish were able to escape and are currently swimming among the mannequins and jeans and tee’s found in stores on the first floor of the mall. Not that the mannequins or clothes are swimming, just that the fish are swimming around them.

Among the fish currently swimming through the mall are several species of piranha, so needless to say, clean up efforts have been slow to begin.

However, help is on the way! Privateer Press, creators of miniature games like Warmachine and Hordes, have announced that they are sending a team of specially trained Cygnar Wildlife experts armed with a newly released weapon to help with the capture and containment of these dangerous, man eating schools of fish.

The weapons they are to be armed with are a combination shrink-ray, plastic-maker, and master-mini-painter. The purpose and function of these weapons is both economical and strange at the same time. Without going into too much detail, a Privateer Press employee, speaking anonymously, claimed the guns (made in the U.S.A) are said to simultaneously shrink and transmutate the piranha while sucking it into the barrel of the gun so the master-mini-painter can trim the flare and paint them for use in Privateer Press’s upcoming release of a new Monsterpocalypse expansion.

Members of PETA arrived last week and have been systematically feeding themselves to the piranha in an effort to make the fish too big to fit into the barrels of the guns and Protectorate and Khadorian protesters have gathered outside the mall and are claiming that the Cygnarians rigged the selection process and threatened head officials at Privateer Press into awarding them the contract.

I’ll be giving updates on the situation as they become available ……

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Random Interlude

This is not the Part 2.

This is simply random scribblings.

I was sick today at work. Not sure what that was all about but I was sweating but chilled, upset stomach and generally not feeling well, so I left early. I'm not sure what they think about me leaving early at work but they didn't seem to have a problem with it. Especially since I've been told that if I am running a fever of over 101, I need to take my ass to the nearest ER as my leg may be infected and that would be very, very bad.

Can you imagine what it must have been like to be the guy who said hey, lets get a patent on small pointed sticks, they are great for getting the food out of your teeth. We shall call them Toothpicks.

I can't help but be envious of the person who was able to get a patent and make money off of little pointed sticks.

I consider myself a thinker much more than a doer.

I have a million and one ideas.

Know the actual steps involved in accomplishing maybe 100 of them

And have the motivation to actually do zero of them.

Instead of doing anything productive, I sit here nursing a broken leg and wasting time writing blogs, or playing on Facebook, or reading a sci-fi novel, or sleeping, or more and more here lately, I simply find myself sitting here thinking, just letting my mind wander, sometimes having day-dreams, sometimes just sitting here completely blank.

The Convention - ConNooga - happened Feb 19 - 21, and events have been going ever since then, revolving around my busted leg, and it wasn't until just a few days ago I got up enough motivation to actually write about what had happened.

I have this feeling, I would guess that alot, most, if not all people have the same feelings, but I have this feeling that I'm meant for something more than my current station in life.

Yet I do nothing.

I see people waiting tables or working as gas station attendants, older people, and I think to myself, is this what you wanted from life?
Is this what you dreamed of being as a child?
Are you happy, or even content?
Do you look back on the things in your life and wish you would have chosen a different path?

Even at the relatively young age of 29, I look back often and wonder where I would be and what I would be doing had I made different decisions.

Some days I feel like I spend more time looking back than I do forwards.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Adventure Part 1

I had thought about writing this as one of those stories with the ending told first and then I have some sort of flashback to the beginning and tell the rest of the story. Yeah, No, don't think I could pull that off, so I suppose I will tell this tale like any other.

The true beginning of my story is sometime back in October but if I wrote this out play by play and word for word it would be insanely long and I would probably have to be standing behind you with a stick to get you to read the entire thing. So I'll paraphrase, cut corners, leave out the vital parts and just try to move things right along in an semi-orderly fashion.

As I was saying, last October, I says to the boss, "Hey Boss, ConNooga is coming up in Feb. we should get booth, take all our damaged merchandise and sell it there for super cheap. The boss, being the business minded creature he is, shocked the hell out of me and said "OK"

Kind of a let down huh? All he said was ok, once you get to know him that simple 2 letter mangling of a word means alot because The Boss is not prone to long speeches, or even short speeches. I.E. He don't talk alot most days.

Anyways, Christmas hit and ConNooga was thrust to the back burner by game crazed customers and enough orders to wrap a BMW in (I'm assuming on that, as none of us own a BMW)

Christmas comes and goes and ConNooga pops its cute little sci-fi head up again and we start getting ready. It was about this time that The Boss decides to speak again and what he says has a rather profound and scary effect on me. He said, "Since it was your idea, Your in charge."

Teach me to open my mouth again won't it.

We get everything in readiness and off we go, into the wild. The land of Role play and Fandom Girls, Star Wars meets Star trek while watching Family Guy and rolling a 20 sided die to see who has to call and order the next pizza while shouting for mom to bring more Mt. Dew to the basement door.

We arrive and set up our booth (with a few minor complications) and amazingly we sell our first item before we even have the booth complete. I'm not sure the sale counts though, as it was to the ladies in the next booth selling Browncoat merchandise.

For the Record, those ladies and the S2P/Pinnacle booth across from us and the fairy wings booth on our other side were all very very cool people who did everything they could to help me out when I was in need. I hope The Boss lets us go back and I hope that they are the booths surrounding us again next year.

Things progress and we sell a few items but the first night of a con is usually slow for vendors. so we spent our time watching people dressed as anime characters and Jedi walk around and I took to asking passersby's if they wanted to buy a Giraffe. This may seem odd but one of the items we had brought with us was a 100 dollar 5 ft tall plush Giraffe. If nothing else it got people to stop walking because come on ... how often does someone ask you if you want to buy a Giraffe?

My Booth at Connooga

If you look close you can see the giraffe I was speaking of, the shelves we put everything on are 6ft so the Giraffe is slightly taller than 5 ft. The bloke on the computer is my colleague Noah. He is the resident IT wizard where I work ... kinda makes sense because he is messing with the laptop in the pic ... Go Figure!

As a random statement, This was Noah's first and after this adventure, most likely his last convention.

(That was foreshadowing ... kinda ominous and mysterious wasn't it)

We closed up shop and headed for our room, The wife had called as soon as she got off work and informed me that she was on her way. We head up front to collect her and get everything unloaded in the room. Then we proceeded to wander around talking to people, socializing, meeting people and randomly asking if anyone wanted to buy a Giraffe, Of course, no one did.

Around 10 we found a room party that had not yet begun but the doors were open, so we wandered in and offered to help finish setting up if we could score a drink. We helped them set up for awhile, took our drinks and began to wander again.

Around 11:30 we came upon a group standing in a hallway waiting for the doors to open for a different room party, they all seemed in good spirits and we could tell that they had already begun partying several hours before.

As we were standing talking to them, one of the group stumbles into me. I don't know if he was pushed or lost his balance or what, but the end result was that he stumbled into me, knocking me down, he then fell on top of me. We got all untangled and sorted out and I realized that my leg felt like it was on fire. I could put no weight on it, couldn't even touch it. They (the guy that fell on me and a gentleman named Ryan Buckley who does interviews for carried me back to the hotel room and I got The Wife to get me some ice to put on it. I thought maybe it was just really bruised and letting it sit the rest of the night with ice on it would make it good enough for me to still work the booth.

I woke up the next morning and could not feel my toes. Waking the wife up I made the ever dreadful decision to go to the E.R.

There I was told I had broken my shin in 2 places. They shot me up with Morphine, which didn't seem to help at all when they set my leg. The doctor that set the bone seemed very unhappy or pissed off or something, after he got through POUNDING on my leg to set the bone, I asked him if I had done something to piss him off. He, of course, said no, wrapped it in a toes to mid-thigh cast that probably weighed around 10lbs. and sent me on my way.

my leg

The Wife had gone home while I was in the E.R. to get crutches we had there and to make sure the kids were OK, she was still not back when they OK'd me to leave, so I called our warehouse manager to come save the day. He showed up and drove me back to the convention and carried me to our booth so I could continue to harass con goers as they walked by, only now I was saying things like, "My leg will feel better if you buy a giraffe!"

I never sold that stupid Giraffe but we did manage to make over 1,500 dollars which I think is excellent for our first attempt at having a convention booth and considering what all happened.

I want to point out that I probably would not have made it the entire weekend without the organizers of ConNooga and the Chattanooga Choo Choo Hotel staff doing everything they could to help me. They were very cool and they even found me a wheelchair to roll around in for the rest of my stay at the hotel.

And I also would not have made it without the help and donated pain medicine from the various people I met and talked to through-out the convention. We didn't realize there was a 24 hour pharmacy in Chattanooga and The wife got back too late on Sat afternoon to get my script filled, so when word got out what had happened and that I didn't have any pain meds people were coming by the booth to offer me pain killers and one girl actually offered to share some of her dope with me. I haven't smoked that since high school so I politely declined but I still thought it was a very kind offer.

The very best was when a hotel staffer came up while I was rolling around getting people to sign my cast and gave me a half full bottle of Crown Royal. Seems our waiter from dinner Friday night had talked to some of his co-workers and they managed to scrounge up the bottle from someones late night stash. I'm still using the purple bag as a sort of alcoholic man-purse to carry my stuff in as I fumble about on crutches.

It's not exactly the fame I would wish upon someone but by the end of ConNooga, I was a semi-celebrity, I even got interviewed by Mr. Ryan Buckley for his website.

My part starts around the 58 second mark.

One last thing of note for the weekend, the Con Chairman asked if I would try to hang on to the cast so they could put it in the Charity auction next year. After all ... Every Sig on it was from someone at the convention or someone who worked for the hotel.

Stay Tuned for part 2 of My Adventure ... to be written as soon as I feel like writing again.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Disjointed Thoughts

I do not smoke pot. I don't have a problem with it, I just choose not to use it. I honestly don't see the point in it. I can eat some Twinkies and take a nap all on my own without the risk of being arrested.

The thing I don't understand about people who do smoke pot, is their willingness to sign their names to petitions trying to change the laws on drug use in the US. I'm not real big on Conspiracies and there is no Tin Foil on top of my head to keep the Aliens out, but it honestly seems kinda dumb to sign a "I Support Drug Use" petition which is then going to be sent to the GOVERNMENT.
Come on people ... honestly ... there is no need for a conspiracy or secret undercover stoner agents or any of that crap when you are sending them a document with your name on it.

Just a thought.

And another thing ... Trial by a jury of your peers. I've watched Court TV a few times in my years on this planet and I've never in my life seen an actual jury of peers. If the system were to be taken seriously, then, for instance, if a drug dealer were on trial for murder, wouldn't all the members of the jury also have to be drug dealers or at least in the same social class as the accused? How can it be called a jury of your peers when the people passing judgment on a drug dealer are doctors and lawyers and socialites and school teachers who don't have the faintest clue of what the accused goes through and has to deal with on a daily basis, much less be in a position to pass judgment on them.

Also ...

Children are NOT our future, and I can prove it.

Children can not possibly be our future because by the time the future gets here ...
They are no longer children.
So HA!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Scratch N' Sniff

So I'm sitting at work a couple days ago, talking to Noah when a thought hits me like a brick thrown by an anti-abortionist.

Scratch N' Sniff Lottery Tickets

Now the way I see it, you could do this 2 ways.

1. Make them all smell good, that way even if you don't win anything, you still have something pleasant to sniff.

2. Have the smells determine if and what you win. If your card smells like Bananas, you win 10 bucks, smell cherries you win 50 and so on. However, if it smells like a skunk, you didn't win anything, plus you got a nose full of skunk stink.

It would make the lottery tickets that only wins you a dollar and smell like fresh cut grass a lot more appealing if you knew the alternative was getting a ticket that won you nothing and smelled like rotting flesh, or used babies diapers.